Pedestrian accidents are more common than many people realize. While cities like Chicago often get the most attention, smaller cities and communities like Rockford are not immune to these tragic events. Every year, countless pedestrians are injured or even killed while simply walking on or near the streets. These accidents can happen anywhere – from busy intersections to quiet residential areas.

Drunk Drivers: A Major Cause of Pedestrian Accidents

One of the main causes of pedestrian-related accidents is drunk driving. When drivers are under the influence of alcohol, their reaction times are slower, and their judgment is impaired. This dangerous combination often leads to severe accidents. Drunk drivers may fail to see pedestrians crossing the street or lose control of their vehicles, putting innocent lives at risk.

Common Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents can take many forms, but some of the most common include:

  • Crosswalk Accidents: When drivers fail to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks.
  • Hit and Run: Accidents where the driver flees the scene, leaving the injured pedestrian without help.
  • Sidewalk Accidents: When vehicles veer off the road and onto sidewalks, striking pedestrians.
  • Parking Lot Accidents: Drivers not paying attention while backing out or driving through parking lots.
  • Wrongful Death: Tragically, some pedestrian accidents result in fatalities, leaving families devastated and seeking justice. The Governors Highway Safety Association tells us that in 2023 slightly over 7,300 pedestrians were killed in the U.S.

Rockford Pedistrian Injury Lawyer

Pedestrian Accident Cases – How Crosby & Crosby Can Help

If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident, the attorneys at Crosby & Crosby are here to help. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll these accidents can take, and we are dedicated to fighting for your rights. Here’s how we can assist you:

  • Initial Free Consultation: We begin with a free consultation and case review to discuss your accident and injuries. This meeting allows us to understand your case and provide initial advice on the best course of action.
  • Investigation and Record Gathering: Our team will collect all important information, including accident reports and medical bills and records. We also will consult with medical experts to determine the full extent of your injuries, ensuring no detail is overlooked.
  • Formulation of a Legal Strategy: Based on the gathered information, we formulate a legal strategy aimed at helping you receive the compensation you deserve. This includes considering the injuries you’ve suffered and any income you may have lost because of the accident.
  • Legal Representation: We handle all negotiations with the defendant’s attorneys and insurance companies. Our goal is to secure a fair out-of-court settlement that covers your medical expenses, lost wages, and any other damages.
  • Court Proceedings: If a settlement cannot be reached, we will represent you in court. We are committed to fighting for your rights through all legal proceedings to ensure you receive a favorable outcome and compensation you deserve.

Time is Limited

It is crucial to take timely action for your injuries or those of a loved one. Under Illinois law, there are strict time limits, known as statutes of limitations, for filing personal injury claims. In most cases, you have two years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit.

Delaying action can result in losing your right to compensation. Therefore, it’s important to contact the attorneys at Crosby & Crosby as soon as possible to ensure your personal injury case is handled promptly and effectively.

Take the First Step Towards Justice – Contact Crosby & Crosby Today

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, don’t wait to seek legal help. Reach out to the law firm of Crosby & Crosby to schedule your initial free consultation with our Rockford pedestrian injury lawyers. Our attorneys who are highly experienced in personal injury law are ready to help you navigate this challenging time and take the first step toward receiving the justice you deserve.

Call us today at 815-367-6432 and let us fight for you.

At Crosby & Crosby, You’re Never Alone

We want you to know that first and foremost, we’re here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.

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Questions? We Can Help!

Helpful questions about family law

How to choose the right divorce lawyer?

Choosing the right divorce lawyer, in our mind, comes down to three factors. First, is this lawyer going to be an aggressive advocate for me? Second, is this lawyer a person I can get along with personally? Third, do I trust this lawyer to communicate with me effectively? If you walk away from an initial consultation with a lawyer answering yes to those three questions, you have likely found the lawyer who is right for you.

Legal work can be extremely time consuming. Your expectations should not necessarily be that your lawyer is someone you can vent to about your personal life, as that would likely result in an unreasonably high bill. But you should expect your lawyer to keep you informed as to the status of your case. You should also expect your lawyer to listen to your wishes and concerns and use those thoughts as a basis for your case. You don’t need to talk to your lawyer everyday, but you should hear from them every other week or so.

Expect the unexpected when it comes to the Court dates. The Court system is based on a first-come-first-serve calendar, when the case is not filed as an emergency. All initial Court dates are determined by the Clerk of the Court, not of the lawyer or client. If you have a lawyer, expect the Judges to want your lawyer to do the talking, unless the Judge asks the client a question directly. You should also expect the Judge to keep the Courtroom as orderly as possible. Judges very much look down on people who speak out of turn. As for dress, the Court does not require a strict dress code, but it is always a good idea to dress professionally to show the Judge that you take the system and their Courtroom seriously.

There is a process in the law referred to as “discovery” that allows a party to a legal proceeding to discover information about the opposing party. In the context of a divorce, “discovery” is primarily used in the form of written questions and written requests for the opposing party to provide documents to the party that is doing the requesting. These are called “interrogatories” and “requests to produce.” During the process, the party answering the questions or requests must provide a written testimony, under oath, that the documents and answers are true and accurate. It is through this process of “discovery” that we are able to learn what assets a party possesses.

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