Collaborative Law Divorce in Illinois

An Explanation from the Family Law Attorneys at Crosby & Crosby Law Many are perhaps not familiar with the term “collaborative divorce,” so we should begin by providing a brief explanation. After all, what is a collaborative law divorce? Briefly summarized, collaborative divorce is a relatively new way of ending a marriage in an amicable […]

Divorce – Collaborative Law vs. Mediation

Divorce By Collaboration or Mediation – Know the Difference It has long been held that about 50 percent of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce, but that assertion is really not accurate. That figure is based on some mathematical projections made back in the 1970s when the divorce rate seemed to be growing rapidly, […]

What You Need To Know About “Parents and Children Together”

Any form of legal separation can be difficult for children, parents, and legal guardians alike. Regardless of whether this legal separation involves divorce, child custody, or another similar parentage action in Illinois courts, each party is required to participate in an online, interactive educational program known as P.A.C.T. This acronym stands for an online class […]

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